Rolling stone, 2019
A tumbleweed is a plant that leaves behind special formations after dying off, moving in the form of large balls. The dead and withered stem is torn away from its root or yanked out of the ground together with the root, and then carried away taking up other plants along the way.
The urban dweller moves through space, traversing daily routes. Due to the accumulation of such a mass of people with so many different interests and fields of activity, movement may be accompanied by a number of obstacles due to unforeseen events.
With its rapid pace the city creates conditions in which, despite all the technology of modern processes, the attempt to build a convenient, multifunctional network of route junctions, the routes themselves remain unpredictable and the desire to structure everything is impossible before the spontaneity of nature.
The natural form of "tumbleweeds" is metal, copper and plastic - materials used to build vehicles that enable people to move around in an urban environment.The object as a set of routes becomes an essential way of summarising the chaotic movement in urban space.